Innovative Initiatives for LLINs and a Healthier Tomorrow
At Disease Control Technologies (DCT), we prioritize research and development, product innovation, and rigorous analytical testing to bring forth cutting-edge vector control products, including Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs). By combining these efforts with manufacturing best practices and stringent quality management of our partners, we lead the way in providing reliable solutions that maximize the long-term impact against malaria.
Innovative Ideas or Technology?
Our mission is clear.
We must eradicate malaria.
Malaria is a significant burden on human health, placing both social and economic strains on lower-income countries. In past years, a staggering 95% of malaria cases occurred in Africa, affecting over 240 million people. Tragically, malaria claims lives. And children under the age of five are the most vulnerable.
We must eradicate malaria.
DCT is dedicated to playing our part in this crucial mission by introducing new technologies, upholding our commitment to innovation, and contributing to the industry’s goal of saving lives.

Dedicated to Eradicating Malaria and Saving Lives
Together we have a chance to make things better.

“Any goal short of eradicating malaria is accepting malaria, it’s making peace with malaria, it’s rich countries saying, "We don’t need to eradicate malaria around the world as long as we’ve eliminated it in our own countries." That is just unacceptable.”
Melinda French Gates